Change Visual Studio 2015 TFS Associate or Resolve work item settings

Jan 12, 2017 visualstudio

VS showing item resolution in checkin screen with arrow pointing to item resolution

The default action for VS 2015 is to resolve the work item(s) you're currently working on. In teams that check-in frequently this causes pain because they might be adding several check-ins before the story is complete.

Visual Studio 2015

You can change the default action in Visual Studio settings:

  • Navigate to Options > Source Control > Visual Studio Team Foundation Server
  • Or search for "Resolve associated work items" in the find box at the top right of Visual Studio 2015
  • Change the "Resolve associated work items on check-in"
  • Check this box to set the default action to resolve
  • Uncheck this box to set the default action to associate

Visual Studio 2015 VSTS options with arrow pointing at resolve option checkbox

Other Visual Studio Versions

That'll be a registry edit I'm afraid. See this Stack Overflow for more information: