.NET Transactional Test Base

Oct 10, 2012 visualbasic dotnet

TransactionalTestBase is a Visual Basic .NET (VB.NET) Unit Test base class which automatically rolls back any ADO.NET or LINQ transactions.

It uses ServicedComponent with System.Transactions and provides event hooks for ease of use.

This example is the least amount of code required to setup a working Unit Test. There are more examples further down this README.

Imports Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting

<TestClass()> \_
Public Class Example_Tests
  Inherits TransactionalTestBase

  <TestMethod()> \_
  Public Sub ExampleUnitTest
    Assert.IsTrue(True) ' This test will pass
  End Sub

End Class


Create a new Unit Test class. Include any (required) Microsoft Unit Test. Add the TransactionalTestBase file wherever your test are. Subclass child tests off this class.

Imports Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting

<TestClass()> \_
Public Class ExampleUnitTest
  Inherits TransactionalTestBase

End Class

Each Sub that is decorated with the TestMethod() Attribute will automatically be wrapped in a transaction and rolled back when finished (or when an exception is encountered).

<TestMethod()> \_
Public Sub ExampleUnitTest()
  Assert.Pass("Hello world!")
End Sub


Set-up Sequence

  • Init Unit Test
  • PreTransactionBegin
  • (Transactions are created)
  • PostTransactionBegin (we are now in transactions)
  • Unit Test Runs
  • (Unit Test passes or fails)
  • PreRollback
  • (Transactions are rolled back)
  • PostRollback (we're out of the transaction, everything has been rolled back)

Tear-down Sequence

Unit Test Ends -> PreRollback -> (Transactions rolled back) -> PostRollback -> End

Overridable functions

You can optionally override the following functions in your Unit tests.

PreTransactionBegin - called before the transaction is created.

Public Overridable Sub PreTransactionBegin()

PostTransactionBegin - called after the transaction is created, just before the Unit test is executed.

Public Overridable Sub PostTransactionBegin()

PreRollback - called after the unit test has run, failed or caused an exception; before the transaction is rolled back.

Public Overridable Sub PreRollback()

PostRollback - called after the transaction has been rolled back:

Public Overridable Sub PostRollback()

Recommended Example

Normally only overriding PostTransactionBegin to add Set-Up code is required. All transactions will roll back when each Unit Test finishes.

Imports Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting

<TestClass()> \_
Public Class Example_Tests
  Inherits TransactionalTestBase

  Public Overrides Sub PostTransactionBegin()
  ' Called after the TransactionalTestBase transactions are created.
  ' We are in a transaction at this point.
  ' This is an optional override
  ' Put your Set-Up Code in here. This is normally the only section you will need.
  End Sub

  ' Unit Tests

  <TestMethod()> \_
  Public Sub ExampleUnitTest
    Assert.IsTrue(True) ' This test will pass
  End Sub

End Class

Full Unit Test Example

Imports Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting

<TestClass()> \_
Public Class Example_Tests
  Inherits TransactionalTestBase

  Public Overrides Sub PreTransactionBegin()
  ' Called before the TransactionalTestBase transactions are created.
  ' We are not in a transaction at this point.
  ' This is an optional override.
  End Sub

  Public Overrides Sub PostTransactionBegin()
  ' Called after the TransactionalTestBase transactions are created.
  ' We are in a transaction at this point.
  ' This is an optional override
  ' Put your Set-Up Code in here. This is normally the only section you will need.
  End Sub

  Public Overrides Sub PreRollback()
  ' Called just before a transactional roll-back.
  ' Put your Tear-Down code here (although you probably don't need anything in here).
  ' We are still in a transaction at this point.
  ' This is an optional override.
  End Sub

  Public Overrides Sub PostRollback()
  ' Called after the TransactionalTestBase transactions are created.
  ' We are not in a transaction at this point.
  ' This is an optional override.
  End Sub

  <TestMethod()> \_
  Public Sub ExampleUnitTest
    Assert.IsTrue(True) ' This test will pass
  End Sub

End Class
