On becoming AWS Certified
Jul 27, 2016 aws
There are a few reasons people take exams and try to gain professional certifications:
- To prove to themselves they can do something
- To add something to their CV
- To prove to others that they once knew a few things about something
- To get a promotion
- To get noticed
I decided to take the AWS Certified Developer exam last week because I wanted to see what the exam was like, and it's also part of my training budget at JustEat.
I'm happy to say I passed and I gained the basic AWS Certified Developer Associate qualification. This is the foundation level, and there are a few routes I can take to become an AWS certified professional. Amazon have recently updated their AWS Certification tracks on their site, so I'll be following one of those.
I can recommend using some of the resources at CloudGuru.com and PluralSight.com as they lay out the topics you need to revise for better than the exam guidelines.